Blog: Course Drop

Page Index:
  1. How Do I Drop a Course?
  2. When Can I Drop a Course?
  3. Confirm Your 'Drop'

Dropping a course is a simple process which merely involves sending an email to your Success Coach/Counselor.

How to Drop a Course

  1. Go to your course Blackboard page, and click on the Student Resouces tab in the left margin.
    (The tab is usually just below the 'My Grades' link.)
  2. Once on the Student Resources page, scroll down to the section entitled Dropping a Course.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Dropping a Course section
⚠️ CAVEAT: It is YOUR ultimate responsibility to confirm that you were, in fact, dropped from the course.

When Can I Drop A Course

You can drop a class BEFORE the official “Last Day to Drop with a W” date.  Look on the Academic Calendar to determine when that date is.  Of course, it varies from semester to semester.
You may NOT drop this class AFTER the official “Last Day to Drop with a W” date. For better or worse, if you are still enrolled in the class after the Last Day to Drop with a W, you will recieve a letter grade at the end of the semester.

Confirm Your Drop

If, for example, your email gets lost and the Success Coach (or Registrar’s Office) never receives your request, then they obviously could not have dropped you. In short, you are not dropped just because you send an email — you are only dropped once that email has been acted upon. Give the Success Coach (or Registrar’s Office) some time to effect the drop request. Afterwards, review your online records and/or correspondence and confirm that you have, in fact, been dropped.