DrS Blogs Portal Page


Blogs Portal Page

Page Index:

  1. Course Setup & Mechanics
  2. Common Chemistry Topics
  3. Course Blogs

I. Course Setup & Mechanics

  1. Scanning documents (Specifications; Do's and Don'ts)
  2. Honorlock Setup & "How to" Resources
  3. eMail Requirements (course identifier required)
  4. Submitting Blackboard Work
  5. How to sign up for an exam at the Testing Center
  6. How Drop a Course
  7. FAQ (course)

II. Common Chemistry Topics

  1. Significant figures (in calculations)
  2. Significant figures (in lab measurements)
  3. Dimensional Analysis (DA)
  4. Periodic Charts Page
  5. Nomenclature
  6. Balancing Chemical Equations (BCE)
  7. Reaction Types
  8. Solubility Table – how to use
  9. Stoichiometry 
  10. Writing Projects: Technical Reports
  11. Lewis Dot Structure and Molecular Geometry

III. Course Blogs

Common to Courses

  1. How to Study for Your Chemistry Exam
  2. Lab Assignment Basics

Specific Courses

  1. CHEM 1105 (IntroChem Lab)
  2. CHEM 1305 (IntroChem Lecture)
  3. CHEM 1411L (GenChem I lab)
  4. CHEM 1412L (GenChem II lab)