Blog: eMail Requirements

When emailing the instructor, it is required that you put a course identifier (your COURSE AND SECTION NUMBER) in the subject line.

Course Identifier

Depending on your class, your class identifer (COURSE AND SECTION NUMBER) will likely be one of these:

  • IntroChem Lab, internet → CHEM1105
  • IntroChem Lecture, internet → CHEM1305
  • GenChem I Lecture-related question, internet → CHEM1411
  • GenChem I Lab-related question, internet (add L to end) → CHEM1411L
  • GenChem II Lecture-related question, internet → CHEM1412
  • GenChem II Lab-related question, internet (add L to end) → CHEM1412L

Be Specific

Course Identifier: At a bare minimum, place the course number in the subject line of an email. But best if you also add a section number, too. For example: "CHEM1305, MW" or "CHEM1305 internet" or "CHEM1305.Y01"

Lab query: mention the lab by its specific name, as provided on the schedule or in Blackboard.
Do not write "my last lab" or "next week's lab" or "the week 4 lab"; rather, list the lab by its specific name name, as provided on the schedule. For example, write... "Lab C" or "Lab C - Distillation" (assuming distillation Lab C is the lab in question).

Quiz query: refer to the quiz in question with the exact quiz title, such as "Quiz 2.1" or "Quiz B". As with a lab query, do not merely describe the quiz; rather, provide its specific name.

Other queries: Be as specific as you can. Give assigned names, rather than descrptions, whenever possible. The course schedule and Blackboard action items will provide the correct name for most activites.


Here are some examples of good Subject Lines:

CHEM1105, Quiz 2 . . . would be a good subject for an internet lab student with a question regarding Quiz 2.

CHEM1411L, Lewis Dot Structure . . . would be a good subject for an internet GenChem I student with a question regarding the Lewis Dot Structure lab.

I typically have eigh-or-so course sections and 70–100 students. With a course identifier, you go to the top of the email line; without it, I don't know it's a student, and I get to it when I happen by it.

If you do not put a class identifier in the subject line of your email to me, you should have no expectation of a quick reply.

Make it easy for me to help you.