Sarah Glaeasmann Chemistry


Main Page

Welcome to the website, which serves as a portal for supplementary information for courses CHEM 1105, CHEM 1305, CHEM 1411, CHEM 1412, and CHEM 1409.

⚠️ CAVEAT 1: This website was formerally use by one Dr. Stephenson, hence the DrS logo.

⚠️ CAVEAT2 : This website is 'supplemental' — any information herein is superseded by information within the Blackboard course site. It has useful information which Ms. Glaeasmann wanted to make available. However, any time one crosses DrS website info which differs from that on Blackboard, go with the Blackboard information.
That said. . .

This website has a number of important course links, which are sorted by topic and class. This website is meant to accommodate those who will find it quicker, and much more convenient, to have the bulk of course reference material on webpages directly accessible from their browsers (no login, no special app, fast response, etc.), rather than having to navigate Blackboard.

Once you find a page (or pages) you refer to often, you might want to bookmark those in your browser for convenience.

Below sections:

  1. Website Navigation
  2. Youtube Channel
  3. Free Microsoft Office

Website Navigation

The menubar on the left side of the page is divided into two sections:
    • the top section has links to several important topics
    • the bottom section has links to four course portal pages.

On each of the course portal pages are links relevant to each section of that particular course. For example, the CHEM1305 shows links for each section of that course: the Face-to-Face section(s) and the Internet section.

At any time, you may click the round logo on the top left of the page to return to either the Main Page (this page), or to a specific course Portal Page.


Youtube Channel

The Youtube channel   DrStephensonChemistry  is populated with videos for the entire CHEM 1305 Introductory Chemistry course, and for select General Chemistry topics.

CHEM 1305 videos are organized by playlist, of which each playlist corresponds to an exam. For example, videos relating to exam 1 are located in the CHEM 1305 Exam 1 playlist.

CHEM 1411 (General Chemistry I) often finds the entirety of the CHEM 1305 videos very useful, in that GenChem exam 1 is essentially an IntroChem crash course.

Microsoft Office 365 Software (free)

AC and Microsoft make the Office 365 package (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) available to students no cost.

Using your AC student email address, follow the instructions on the Microsoft Office 365 signup page.