CHEM 1412 Resources


CHEM1412 Resources Page

Page Index

  1. Youtube Playlists
  2. Lecture Notes (past class)
  3. Powerpoint slides
  4. Student Solutions Manual — online
  5. Student Solutions Manual
  6. 🚨  Video Solutions to all End-of-Chapter Questions
    (key resource)

I. Youtube Playlists for Exams 1, 2, and 3

Limited in scope, but valuable for the topics touched upon.

Exam 1 Video Playlist   (summary of Exam 1 material; 1 video)
Exam 2 Video Playlist   (in-depth discussion of Chapter 14; 8 videos)
Exam 3 Video Playlist   (all Exam 3 materials presented; 13 videos)

II. Lecture Notes (past class) 

These notes, provided for general edification, are from a past face-to-face course. They represent the final state of the notes after they were "marked up" in class. The markings provide an indication of what was stressed in the lecture. The current course content may vary from notes from past classes.

CH20 Lecture Notes
CH10 Lecture Notes
CH11 Lecture Notes
CH12 Lecture Notes
CH13 Lecture Notes
CH14 Lecture Notes
CH16 Lecture Notes
CH17 Lecture Notes
CH21 Lecture Notes

III. Powerpoint Slides

The following powerpoint slides are taken from the textbook site, OpenStax. They are designed to align with the textbook, and not necessarily with the material stressed in the coursework.  The slide set is incomplete: some of the chapters (CHS 20 & 21) do not have slides.

Source 1 (Rice University)

CH10 Powerpoint Slides
CH11 Powerpoint Slides
CH12 Powerpoint Slides
CH13 Powerpoint Slides
CH14 Powerpoint Slides
CH16 Powerpoint Slides
CH17 Powerpoint Slides
CH20 Powerpoint Slides
CH21 Powerpoint Slides

Source 2 (UConn) – incomplete set

CH10 Powerpoint Slides
CH11 Powerpoint Slides
CH12 Powerpoint Slides
CH13 Powerpoint Slides
CH14 Powerpoint Slides
CH16 Powerpoint Slides
CH17 Powerpoint Slides

IV. Student Solutions Manual – online

Link includes end-of-chapter questions and answers in Openstax Chemistry 2e.

End-of-chapter Exercises with Answers

V. Student Solutions Manual

Manuals contain answers to odd-numbered, end-of-chapter questions in Openstax Chemistry 2e.

CH10 Student Solutions Manual
CH11 Student Solutions Manual
CH12 Student Solutions Manual
CH13 Student Solutions Manual
CH14 Student Solutions Manual
CH15 Student Solutions Manual
CH16 Student Solutions Manual
CH17 Student Solutions Manual
CH20 Student Solutions Manual
CH21 Student Solutions Manual

VI. Video Solutions to End-of-Chapter Questions

Link to The Glaser Tutoring Company playlists for every end-of-chapter question in most Openstax Chemistry 2e chapters. Each Openstax chapter has its own playlist; each question it's own video.

❗️CAVEAT:   Some of the videos carry an "Atoms First" chapter number which may be different from your chapter number, but the problems nevertheless are correct. "Atoms First" is essentially your textbook with the chapters re-arranged. For example, Chemistry – Chapter 7 (your textbook) corresponds with Chemistry: Atoms First – Chapter 4.

CH20 – no videos 🚫
CH10 video solutions to end-of-chapter
CH11 video solutions to end-of-chapter
CH12 – no videos 🚫
CH13 video solutions to end-of-chapter
CH14 video solutions to end-of-chapter
CH16 video solutions to end-of-chapter
CH17 video solutions to end-of-chapter
CH21 – no videos 🚫