Blog: Dimensional Analysis
DA blog
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Dimensional Analysis (aka Factor Label Method) is an extremely important, if not critical, concept in chemistry. Dimensional Analysis (DA) is the Swiss army knife of problem solving. Among other things, it provides a work-around to many problems which otherwise require algebra. And because it an extremely structured and robust protocol, it often allows one to calculate a correct answer despite the user having little, or no, undertanding the concept. (Of course, one should always strive to understand what they are doing... but that said, working a problem correctly without understanding is better than missing it altogether. Just sayin'.
As they are made, videos will be placed in the Dimensional Analysis playlist on the DrStephensonChemistry youtube channel. At a minimum, make sure you fully understand the content on the first video listed, The DA process taught by example.
- Example 1 – simple problem – detailed walkthrough (~ 6 min)
- Example 2 – metric to english units conversion – quick walkthrough (~ 4 min)
- Dimensional Analysis: How It Works
- Dimensional Analysis: Metric Conversions
- Dimensional Analysis: 2-Step Metric Conversions
- Dimensional Analysis: Complex (Multi-Step) Conversions